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Automated back-up

Data Recovery is now automated which means no more data loss!

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Automated Daily Back-up

Users can completely forget about backing up data before leaving a task. Accoxi backs up data for you. Furthermore, the data backup takes place in a daily and automated manner. If you leave your system without updating the data, Accoxi will make sure that it does, thus saving your time and effort.

Data Security

Cloud offers better protection for your data and no access will be approved to users who are not authorized within the Accoxi system. Data are encrypted and the users who have special permission can access the files. The user access is again subdivided into ‘View’ and ‘Edit’ levels, thus making sure that no data is lost or misrepresented due to an unauthorized intrusion.

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Cloud Accounting

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Accoxi is an online cloud accounting software. The data are protected in cloud platform and can be accessed remotely anytime. With cloud accounting software like Accoxi you need not compromise on your data. Cloud will assist you in saving as much data as your organization requires. In case of any artificial or natural disaster occurring, cloud will save you from any data loss and is then best tool for Disaster Recovery.

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