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Organization Unit In Accoxi

The organization Unit feature in Accoxi shows monthly wise profit Centre and cost Centre analysis which helps the user for easy generation of reports and analysis of Profit/loss of their Organization Units.

OU Dashboard

Organization Unit Dashboard

OU dashboard indicates an overview of an organization unit. It shows monthly wise profit Center and cost Center analysis which helps the user for easy generation and analysis of Profit/cost of their Organization Units. Mapped product profit is one of the important features of OU in ACCOXI. It facilitates users to know about their product-wise profit in an organizational unit.

Organization Unit Search

‘Organization Unit search’ in Accoxi provides a list of created Organization Unit and OU type, which is whether cost Center or profit Center.

OU Search
OU Monthly Analysis

Monthly Analysis

The organization unit in Accoxi is very helpful for the business to make a monthly wise analysis of your cost Center and profit Center data and allocation can be made according to the user’s needs.

Organization Unit Report

By using this feature, users can understand and analyze both profit and cost center organization unit’s, monthly wise analysis of their income/expense and Gross profit/Gross loss.

OU Report
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