Payments Made Report in Accoxi

The report gives an overview of all the payment details that made to the suppliers.


A report detailing payments made provides a comprehensive overview of financial transactions involving payments within a specified period. This report typically includes information about the payee, payment date, payment method, and the amount paid. It serves as a valuable tool for tracking and analyzing the financial outflows of an individual or organization. This report helps in maintaining transparency, managing cash flow, and ensuring accurate financial records. Additionally, it facilitates the assessment of payment trends and aids in making informed financial decisions.

Payments Made Report


Payments Made

The Payments Made Report provides a comprehensive summary of all payments issued to suppliers. It includes essential details such as the supplier's name, payment date, reference number, remarks, applied invoices, amount, and payment mode. Access to this report is available in the Supplier Payments section within the report module, offering a convenient and organized way to track and analyze financial transactions with suppliers.






The user has the flexibility to tailor the report data by clicking on this button. The report permits data filtration based on date, and supplier.

Export to Excel

By clicking this button, users can export the report to Excel.

Export to PDF

Clicking this button allows the user to export the report to PDF.


This button enables users to print the report.


To send the report via email, simply click this button. The report in PDF format will be attached to the email, and you can input the recipient's email address, CC address, subject, and any additional details for the email.


The pagination control offers the capability to navigate from one page to another.


Clicking the 'Exit' button allows the user to exit from the report.





The symbol '#' represents the number of lines in the given context.

Supplier Name

This column displays the name of the supplier associated with the specific payment.

Payment Date

The payment date is indicated in this field, representing the date when the payment is issued to the supplier.

Ref No

This field displays the reference number associated with the payment transaction.

Payment Mode

It presents the payment method applied for the transaction.


This column provides the narration or additional details explaining the payment.

Applied Invoices

This column reveals the details of invoices for which payment has been made. If any amount has been paid to the supplier, the reference numbers of the corresponding paid invoices will be displayed in this field.


This column displays the specifics of the amount paid. If there is any payment made to the supplier, it will be shown in this field.

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Frequently Asked Questions?

01What is the content of Payments Made Report in ACCOXI?

The Payments Made Report shows all the Payments made transaction towards the supplier from the business. The report includes supplier name, date, amount, payment mode etc.

02How to take print of the payments made report with complete list of items?

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the Report Payments Made from Supplier Payments head.
  • At the right hand side of the report, there is a Print button.
  • Click on the Print button and it opens the print view form.
  • You can set the page range, page height, width and can enter the required number of copies here.
  • Click on the Print button to get the printout of the payments made report with complete list of items.

03How can I export the payments made report data in to Excel format?

  • Click on the Reports module.
  • Select the report payments made from supplier payments head.
  • At the right hand side of the report, there is a Print button.
  • Click on the Print button and it opens the print view form.
  • Click on the Export button at the bottom right side of the page.
  • New window will appear for to save the file. You can select the location to save the file.
  • Click on save button to save the data in Excel format.

04How can I check the Payment mode of a transaction in the Payments Made Report?

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the Report Payments Made from Supplier Payments head.
  • Then the payments made report opens and at the right end side of the report table user can view the payment mode of the corresponding transaction.

05Is there any option to filter the Payments Made Report by selecting a single supplier?

Yes. You can filter the Payments Made Report by using the option Customize Report and can filter the data with a single supplier. It can be done by following steps;

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the option Payments made from Supplier Payments head.
  • Click on the Customize Report menu.
  • By clicking on the customize report, you can filter the report by date between and supplier. If you want to filter the data by single supplier select the supplier from the drop down list.
  • Click on Run Report to get the customized data

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