Sales by Items Summary Report in Accoxi

This report shows the quantity of item sold, amount of item sold, item name and unit of measure.


The Sales by Item Summary Report provides a condensed overview of sales made by a business, focusing on aggregated data for individual items. It typically includes information such as item names, total quantities sold, and total amounts received. This report is useful for quickly assessing sales patterns, monitoring top-performing items, and gaining a high-level understanding of income received on specific products or services.

Sales By Item Summary Report


Sales By Items Summary

The Sales by Item Summary Report provides a summary of items sold. It includes details such as the quantity sold, sales amount, item name, and unit of measure. This report is accessible under the sales section in the report module, offering a consolidated view of sales activities for efficient analysis.






The user has the flexibility to tailor the report data by clicking on this button. The report permits data filtration based on date, product, and customer.

Export to Excel

By clicking this button, users can export the report to Excel.

Export to PDF

Clicking this button allows the user to export the report to PDF.


This button enables users to print the report.


To send the report via email, simply click this button. The report in PDF format will be attached to the email, and you can input the recipient's email address, CC address, subject, and any additional details for the email.


The pagination control offers the capability to navigate from one page to another.


Clicking the 'Exit' button allows the user to exit from the report.





The symbol '#' represents the number of lines in the given context.

Item Name

This column displays the product name of the sales.


The unit of measure (UOM) assigned to the item is displayed here.

Qty Sold

This column shows the quantity of the sold item.


This column shows the sum total amount of the sold item.

Frequently Asked Questions?

01What is the content of Sales By Item Summary Report in ACCOXI?

The Sales By Item Summary Report shows a summary of items sold to a specific party or to all customers. This report shows the quantity of item sold, amount of item sold, item name and unit of measure. 

02How to take print out of Sales By Item Summary Report with complete list of items?

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the Report Sales By Item Summary from Sales head.
  • At the right hand side of the report, there is a Print menu.
  • Click on the Print menu and it opens the print view form.
  • You can set the page range, page height, width and can enter the required number of copies here.
  • Click on the Print menu to get the printout of the sales by item summary report with complete list of items.

03How can I export the sales by item summary data in to Excel format?

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the report Sales By Item Summary from Sales head.
  • At the right hand side of the report, there is a Print menu.
  • Click on the Print menu and it opens the print view form.
  • Click on the Export menu at the bottom right side of the page.
  • New tab will appear for save the file. You can select the location to save the file.
  • Click on save button to save the data in Excel format.

04How can I check the quantity of a sold item?

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the option Sales By Item Summary from Sales head.
  • Sales bi item summary details opens and quantity of sold items are included in the table data.

05Is there any option to filter the Sales By Item Summary Report by selecting a single product?

Yes. You can filter the Sales by item report by using the option Customize Report and can filter the data with a single product. It can be done by following steps;

  • Click on the Reports Module.
  • Select the report Sales By Item Summary from Sales head.
  • Click on the Customize Report menu.
  • By clicking on the customize report, you can filter the report by customer, product, or by date between. If you want to filter data by Product option, need to select a product on the tab.
  • Click on Run Report to get the customize data.

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