How to setup an organization Details on Accoxi?

Enter basic details of the Organization including name, place and address, email id, phone number, registration details etc

Organisation settings (1)

Organization Setup and Settings

Organization settings means basic details of the Organization including name of the organization, place and address, email id, phone number, registration details etc. it also shows all the organizations created with an option to switch between them. users can also delete the organization and the organization data.

Organization Settings in Accoxi

It provides the function of Organization settings and user can save the organization details in it. User can either delete the organization or delete organization data based on user requirements.


Key Features:

  • It provides an option for user to enter the Organization name with detail address, street and pin code.
  • It enable the user to save the Organization name and Company registered name separately.
  • It shows the financial year range along with the date of financial year begins and date of books begins of the company.
  • User can enter the GST registration details and can select the reverse charge option if require.
  • User can delete their entire organization or delete the entire data of their organization.

Organization Search:

Organisation Search

The organization search page shows all the multiple organizations created by a user. This page shows the organization's names, its creation date, the business location, the organization's Email ID, etc.

It also shows an option to switch between these organizations. It will enable the user to manage his multiple organizations under one roof and in a single click.




Users can search the organizations created using this search option

New Organization

To create a new organization click on this New organization button and you will be redirected to the Organization setup page. By filling in the organization details you can create a new business


The serial number of the organizations created

Organization Name

The created organization’s name will be shown in this column

Created Date

The created date of the business will be shown here

Business Location

The location of the business created will be shown here, it might be an Indian business or a foreign country business


The email ID with which the business is created is shown in this column


The type of the business whether it is owned or Invited will be listed here

Organization Switch Option

Using this option users can switch between the organizations that they have created

More Option

Using the More option-> Edit option - users can edit the details that they have given for the organization creation.

Delete organization-> user can permanently delete organization and its data.

Delete organization data-> User can delete the entire data of the organization and is able to keep the name of the organization.



New Organization Creation:

1. Click on the Settings on the top right side of the page. Then a list of settings tab will open.

2. Select the option Organization Settings. then it opens to the organization Search page.

3. The organization search page shows all the created organization’s details

4. Then click on the New organization Button and the organization set up form will pop up

5. In the first pop up user can enter the business name and business location

New Organisation

6. Click on the Next button and a new form will open where you can enter your Organization name, state/union territory, Currency, Time zone, and GST registration details.

New Organisation 2

7. After entering the details, click on Get started option to create a business and you will get a message which says “Your Business has been successfully created”. Click OK to finish the process.

Organisation Created

Steps to Edit Organization Settings

1. Click on the Settings menu on the top right side of the page. Then a list of settings tab will open.

2. Select the option Organization Settings. then it opens to the organization Search page.

3. Organization search page shows all the created organization’s details. Click on the More options button and select the edit option for the business you want to edit the details of.

4. Then you will be redirected to the Organization settings page

5. It consists of various fields and the user can change the Organization name, and registered name. Address, GST details, etc.

6. After entering the details, click on the save option on the bottom right side of the page to save the settings.

Organisation Edit



Organization Name

Every Organization has its own name and user can enter the name of the Organization on this field.


In this field, can enter the address of the Organization.


Select the country of the organization, by clicking on the menu list of countries will open and user can select the appropriate one.


User can enter the State of the organization, by clicking on the menu list of states will open and user can select the appropriate one.

Street  & Pin code

Need to enter the pin code on the field, and user can enter the name of the street if require.

Email id

Email id is mandatory for the organization functions and user need to enter the Email id on the field.

Phone number

User can enter the contact number on this field. This number will be appear on the invoices created by the company.

Company Registered name

In this field user can enter the Company Registered name.

Currency & Symbol

User can select the currency format on the currency field and the field symbol shows the symbol of selected currency.

Decimal Places

Decimal places is a function to add more decimal spaces in amounts for accurate figures.

Financial range

This field shows the financial range of the business, that is starting month to the end. Normally it will be Apr-March range and it relates with the Financial year. The field will be block and User can’t edit or change the month on this field.

Fin. Year Begins from

Financial year is a year as reckoned for taxing or accounting purposes. This field shows the beginning date of the Financial year. The field will be block and User can’t edit or change the month on this field. User can edit the financial year date on Financial Year settings. 

Books Begins from

Books begins about starting a business. This field shows the beginning date of business concern. The field will be block and User can’t edit or change the month on this field. User can edit the books begins date on Financial Year settings.


If the Company is Registered Business or Special economic Zone mark the GST Registration option and enter the GST registration number and date on the appropriate field.


After enter the details, click on Save option on the bottom right side of the page to save the settings.


Clear menu is for clear or removing the entire data that entered by the user.


Exit menu is using for go to the previous page without saving the Organization settings.


Delete Organization

Delete Organisation

Delete organization is a feature granting the users to permanently delete their organization including the data of their business.

While deleting the organization the user should enter the name of the organization that requires to be deleted and the password of your Accoxi Business. Users will receive a 6 digit OTP through their registered mail and must enter it to permanently delete the organization.

Delete Organization Data

Delete Organisation Data

Deleting organization data is a feature to delete all the data of the organization except the name and details of the organization. Users must manually enter the organization they wish to delete, the password of their Accoxi Business and whether they would like to delete all data’s of their branches or a specified branch based on users profile of business.

Frequently Asked Questions?

01How to enable and disable GST Settings of an Organization?

  • Click on Settings => Organization Settings
  • Click on the tick mark to enable/disable the “is your organization registered for GST option”

02How to set Financial Year begins from date of an Organization?

  • Click on Settings => Organization Settings
  • Click on the Financial Year begins from date from the organization settings and select the date from the calendar. but once the user starts to make any entries in the organization he can’t change the financial begins from date

03How do I set books begins from date of an Organization?

  • Click on Settings => Organization Settings
  • Click on books begins from date from the organization settings and select the date from the calendar but once the user starts to make any entries in the organization he can’t change the books begins from date and click on save button

04How do I set PAN of my Organization?

User can enter the PAN number of his organization in the organization settings

05How to set my Companies Registered name?

  • Click on Settings => Organization Settings
  • Enter the registered company name in the company registered name column and click on save

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